Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Unemployment Problem All Over The World Image

Unemployment Problem Solution In South Africa

Right now, talking about a lot of unemployment and requires many steps of the problem. Notice I say - a call to action and the proposed solution.Magnitude of the problem is much bigger than we are told, and South Africa, unemployment is probably the highest in the world. I say this because it only adults who are actively seeking work.I said, indicating the recent statistics, nearly 60% of the population between 16 and 64 series of the unemployed. If you want to enable the employment of 60% and needed to work to give 19million. "New Growth Plan" to 5000000 to deliver over the next 10 years. If this happens, we are still about 55% of adults unemployed in 2021 - far below international standards and norms.What South Africa really needs is another 10 million jobs in the same period. So now it's time for the government and the European Union to stop telling us we have a problem, and begins to tell us what they do.However, the problem initially that the majority of unemployed young people are inexperienced and incompetent treatment. Now, some argue that unions are "reasonable wages" to pay is not realistic at this time.In the future it may be true, but now it's unrealistic to even consider. Reason why I say this is a "decent wage" paid for "decent jobs". Passage, "a new growth plan" for its highly trained in all areas where we have qualified people to create. The Board shall, if talented people, because the problem exists and what is achieved?I say we are uneducated and inexperienced people in the short and medium term, and consider looking for ways to find opportunities for them to find need. It is possible to make a "low-wage jobs" to people in need.Our way of giving these people a sense of self, a kind of income, and find some work. Companies have a situation where she takes fewer people because of labor and employment programs. We must find ways businesses employ more people.

Unemployment Problem In South Africa

Unemployment in South Africa is one of the highest in the world. It is considered one of the most critical social and political problems of the South African government. It is estimated that nearly 40% of South African workers are unemployed and more than half of the unemployed has never been involved in some way to work. Nearly 25-30% of people looking for work are unemployed. But as a whole, the economic situation in the country.Unlike other developing countries, where the great mass of unskilled labor has kept low, the South African government agreed on a politically strong Europe will not happen. Labour has a new protection and benefits. As a result, the wage policy in South Africa is five times higher than wages in Indonesia, the productivity is high only twice.The biggest problem is the South African population, crime, poor work-related knowledge and skills, a good education, diseases such as AIDS, HIV, etc. In addition, unemployment is different for different groups, a significant difference in the fight against unemployment indicates. Differences in unemployment rates between different groups is an important observation that the distribution of income and poverty.It is important to investigate to what extent differences in productivity and other characteristics of blacks and whites explain the racial gap in unemployment. Although the observed differences in the characteristics of black and white, not to explain, not all racial disparities in unemployment is due to two factors, such as the important features, which differ in blacks and whites are not respected, and employment discrimination against blacks . If black and white population is the difference between the quality of education they experience during their school age. Since the development of young unskilled Africans living in remote areas are most sensitive to the problem of unemployment.

Unemployment Problem Solution In Japan

According to U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment in the U.S., 8.6% from April 2009 - an increase of 5% over the same period last year. The expectation is that unemployment in the United States to 10.5% by the end of the year. Looking for solutions to unemployment is usually focused on the development of faster economic growth, more jobs. The government has spent billions trying to revive the economy, in an attempt to do so. Well, according to a recent article titled, The New York Times Japan to pay foreign workers at home, Japan is trying a different approach in their fight against unemployment. The second-largest economy, Japan's unemployment was 4.8%, 3.8% over the same period last year. This is the biggest jump since 1967, according to government statistics office in Tokyo. Jobs are becoming worse and faster wage cuts to reduce consumption, their reports show. So officials in Japan, their heads together and decided a good way of reducing unemployment in the migrant workers to leave the country - particularly in Latin America.Thousands of Latin America, to Japan in the early 90's during their growing industrial labor shortage. According to the article, which is now an estimated 366,000 Brazilians and Peruvians living in Japan. He soon became the largest group of foreign workers in Japan. This government program provides $ 3,000 Spanish-speaking residents of the direction of flight, plus $ 2,000 for each dependent. The employee can continue with the money. For most of the unemployed who have completed the three so-called K jobs (kitsui, kitanai, KIKEN - difficult, dirty, dangerous), this is a reasonable amount.After this, of course, if this offer be accepted, they Residency status is withdrawn, and they - and their children - never returned to their land of the rising sun, most of them are only able to return to the three -month visa."There will be an opportunity to work for a while so that's why we recommend that the Brazilians go home," said Jiro Kawasaki, a senior legislator ruling Liberal Party. Mr. Kawasaki added: "We need that as many as three-D jobs in the Japanese worry .... I do not think that Japan would never have become a multi-ethnic society." He added that he thinks the U.S. is the "error of the immigration front."Like many politicians ridiculous that we in this country, think about the consequences of a high official in the United States to talk about it? How absurd it sounds like something the U.S. government such a solution proposed in unemployment? I can not believe that Japan or any country for such a program together. Many immigrants have lived in there15 20 years and have made life and home. The current economic situation is not much of the decision for many families. So far at least 100 families to offer and is planning to leave.Despite some racial tensions in America, "says our multi-national community, and even more power in our country. There are better ways to improve unemployment and stimulate the economy than simply saying," Get Out. "The solution lives, individuals and companies that are part of the economy, finding ways to not less important, to avoid unnecessary costs and make better decisions, of course, to implement these changes, it can be a complex -.. A thing is clear: the ethnic group or another, leaving the country is not any response to the economic problems of the country, I think one of guest workers from Japan, quoted in the article have the money to have the right to say: .. "We worked hard trying to fit in. But they are so quick to kick us out, I'm glad I left a country like this. "

Unemployment Problem In Japan

Japan has long been one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world. Between 1960 and 1974, when many countries are faced with high unemployment in Japan had an average unemployment rate was 1.3% and a maximum of 1.7%. Only in Germany, Japan finished ahead of unemployment at this time. Japanese unemployment rose after World War II after the 1973 oil crisis in 1975 increased by more than 2%. But Japan is still unemployment, which is much lower than in most industrialized countries in the West.But some economists believe that unemployment in Japan has been underestimated in comparison with Western countries due to differences in definitions and concepts. Low levels of unemployment in Japan, even during a recession that led many economists think of lines. A survey conducted by Koji Taira in July 1983 showed that Japanese unemployment down American concepts, the actual number is twice as large as the United States.At the end of 20 century, the unemployment rate in Japan has risen to over 3% -4% level. Japanese labor market began to collapse since 1993. In 1995, unemployment in Japan, 3% limit. In April 1998, unemployment rose in Japan for more than 4% for the first time since World War II. The average unemployment rate in Japan in 1997 was 3.4% and 4.1% in 1998.During this time, major changes in the labor market, Japan, leading to an increase in unemployment in Japan. The layoffs, early retirement, retraining workers, reducing more than one hour are flexible payment programs, and to increase part-time work is performed by an overwhelming majority of Japanese companies. This is a significant change in the Japanese labor market, which once boasted the company, which provided work for a living.The new strategy of Japanese firms, the reduction of the workforce the smallest possible amount. In June, 1999 3420000 unemployed in Japan and unemployment in Japan rose 4.8%. While still an enviable number of many other countries, but the country, which always remains very low unemployment, it is a matter of concern.Japanese unemployment has fallen steadily in 2006-2007 for eleven consecutive months of 3.6% in July 2007. But in August 2007, unemployment rose to 0.2% and 3.8% of the target. Again, in September 2007, unemployment in Japan rose to 0.2% and 4%. The unemployment rate remained unchanged at 4% in October 2007 and fell by 0.2% in November 2007 by 3.8% between the markets. 2460000 unemployed in Japan in November 2007, is smaller than the number of unemployed in November 2006 by 5%.According to recent estimates, at the end of February 2008, the unemployment rate was 4% in Japan. Total number of unemployed in Japan in February 2008 was 2.7 million. It fell to 70,000 total unemployed since February 2006.

Unemployment Problem In Bangladesh

Bangladesh, like other developing countries, suffers from large hidden unemployment in the sense that even if the same technology to deal with a large proportion of the population in agriculture can be removed without reducing agricultural output.Outside the company, hidden unemployment is also large industrial plants, offices and organizations, especially in the public sector. Educated youth is one of the biggest problems in Bangladesh. Unemployment among the population, or higher education are considerably higher than those with lower education. Unemployment among highly educated women is higher than the male population. In Bangladesh, salaried / wage employment in the formal sector is not large enough to provide a lot of unemployed.That the promotion of employment, particularly remnants of independent features, the basic functions of the Bureau of Manpower Employment and Training. The fifth five year plan 1997-2002, the goal is more work to 6350000 people. This total of 1,60,000 people is expected to move independently. The emphasis is on training and credit support to women entrepreneurs in the situation in the housing industry and other traditional and non-traditional areas, including skills development services to businesses and other agricultural purposes. The private sector and non-governmental organizations also play an important role for this purpose,Consequences of unemployment, a problem:Effects of rural-urban migration in Bangladesh examined the relationship between migration and development to identify. Poverty, unemployment and natural disasters seem to be the main cause of the depopulation of the countryside to be. Priority will be determined by the transition to the city seems to bias the design of cities and the national and international governments and public facilities and resources in urban areas.Analysis of trends in urbanization has shown an important role in the rural-urban migration, the rapid growth of urban population. Most immigrants are young, unmarried men of working age. A case study of migrants in Dhaka to the causes and consequences of migration show. Was noted that the rural-urban migration is a basic survival strategy for the rural poor.

Unemployment Problem Solution In Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a densely populated country. Here is the employment opportunities for all people is quiet difficult. To solve this problem by creating new jobs for people. However, the identity of the fieldwork, it is difficult for one person. In this situation, but one sector, the output of a good job of creating the unemployed. The sector is agriculture. In studies of many international agricultural institutions in Bangladesh have shown that the ground is so fertile and the land is good for most other countries, the tree grows. Bangladesh to large quantities of fruits and vegetables, which are related finished goods imported from abroad. But it is possible to cultivate the type of fruit in our country. As a result, agriculture developed. More and more people are interested in this sector to create jobs. Example: crop straw berries are so profitable, and is in great demand abroad and our country. Unemployed persons working in this field and to develop our country. But to develop this sector, Govt. should be asked to support and training for those interested in this area. This is the only example of a straw-berry crop. But there are many other ways to grow vegetables and fruits as a result, industries have developed a fruit. Apple, Mango, Orange, grape is the source of more profitable agricultural sector. But it does not affect the agricultural sector in the lower groups, but this is not true. If we another country, do not harm their fellow citizens, because they have a farm. Away so we do not prejudice in our society and put Orchard to remove the unemployment problem. GOVT. and Pvt. The Bank is located in this sector to expand and invest their money in the field.

Unemployment Problem Solution In India

We are talking about the next steps that will help us to the unemployment problem in rural India to eliminate:

1) The development of production:

In rural areas, agriculture is the only jobs for people. If this method of agriculture should be modernized and improved, the problem of unemployment is removed. Some measures should be taken.First we must strengthen economic and created. Second, better methods of agriculture, and as much as possible, companies should be freed from dependence on nature. Third, the system of Crop Science, designed and developed enough. If more crops to earn more working in the fields of space for people. Finally, modern farm equipment, a good seed, fertilizer, agricultural good suggestions, and much more is available to farmers.So if the agricultural system should be improved in the above direction, to provide adequate workspace for rural residents to offer during the year.

2) Create a proper irrigation:

A major cause of unemployment in agriculture in rural India is a growing chance of rain. Since farming is seasonal and depends on the rain, so only a certain time of year, villagers work in agriculture and the rest of the year, they will remain unused. Moreover, if the rains do not land, and worked with a large part of the problem of unemployment to spend in the rural peasantry.So the eradication of unemployment, methods of irrigation to be modern. In rural areas, sufficient rehabilitation carried out by small and large projects. As a result, rural people are doing work on the farm all year round use of water in the country.

3) In the field

Now-a-day because of the rapid population growth has put enormous pressure on the countryside. Arable land is not enough food for all people and workspaces. Therefore it is important to increase the arable land in the countryside.In this context, infertile soil fertilized with scientific methods. Much of the sand, rocks and meadows can be transformed into rich fields using modern scientific methods. As a result, many people who work in the countryside Farming work, and this was the problem of unemployment in rural areas to remove.

4) the reconstruction of Kotipelto:

To resolve the problem of unemployment in rural areas, a range of new skills and setting up of the former is reconstructed. Working to provide landless in the village, it is important that the different arts should also evolve.Home industries such as dairy, poultry, furniture, basket making, beekeeping, weaving, tailoring, match, etc., afford facilities to work with large rural populations, and help eliminate the problem of loss of employment in rural India largely .

5) The development of transportation and communication systems:

Job creation in the rural environment is an important part of the Govt. Average of transport and communications in large part to build. It is true that the unemployment problem can be reduced only when transportation and communication systems are well developed in the country. For the studied rural residents who are not interested in agriculture and will have activities related to the operation of the vehicle make.Furthermore, the development of communication systems to help over-population in the country to different places in search of work.